His main research expertise lies in the development of novel acquisition and image reconstruction strategies for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. He also has strong interest in ultrasound imaging, and in combining it with MRI. More generally, much of the work in the ALMA lab involves encoding useful information that relates to relaxation, dynamic motion, diffusion and/or thermometry into MR or ultrasound signals in novel ways. This information is then recovered at the image reconstruction stage, to generate images that are better and/or richer in terms of information content than what would otherwise have been the case.
Bruno is Deputy Editor and ‘Senior Deputy Editor for Physics and Techniques’ for the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI), one of two official journals of the ISMRM. He was awarded a ‘Distinguished Investigator Award’ by the Academy of Radiology Research in 2016, and a ‘Young Investigators’ Moore Award’ by the ISMRM in 1999.
Associate Professor of Radiology
Harvard Medical School